Mar 10, 2010

Police Academy is Coming Back soon

New Line/Warner Bros. is going to relaunch the film "Police Academy", one of the major hits of 80’s. Producer of the "Police Academy" Paul Maslansky is going to come to grips with the new version of the film.

The first part of the "Police Academy" film was published in 1984. Steve Guttenberg played a minor troublemaker Carey Mahoney. As the police lowered the admission requirements of new recruits, the academy was not rushed those people who were supposed to be standing on guard of the law. Mahoney is doing all possible to be kicked out, but a meeting with the charming Karen Thompson (Kim Cattrall) fundamentally changes his attitude to issues of education.

In addition to the main pair, the film has many memorable characters. Hefty Hightower, crazy weapons Taklberri, squeaky Hooks and skillful imitator Jones - all of them were familiar not only in the West, but in the Soviet Union at the dawn of the movies industry .

The film "Police Academy" was one of the most popular films, at one stage with the "Terminator", "Rocky" and "Rambo".
The first part, filmed in just 4.5 million dollars, earned in the American box office over 80 million, so a sequel was followed immediately. "Police comedy: Their First Assignment" has become not a single continuation - until the early 90 Maslansky meticulously produced one film after another. History of police involuntarily ended in 1994. The seventh film was shot in 1993 in Moscow - and this was the first Hollywood picture and the first film crew group which was allowed to shot Russia. Production was carried out during the October coup - so in one of the frames is easily visible charred facade of the White House.

Steve Guttenberg left the "Academy" after the fourth part and until the "Mission to Moscow" from the original composition have lasted only a few units. I the World hire the franchise has collected about 240 million dollars. And now the "Police Academy" is experiencing the new birth - eighth.

Paul Maslansky says: "It will be highly appreciated by those viewers who remember the" Academy "and by those who has repeatedly seen it on TV. We hope to discover new talents and to involve the film with the best comedians. And, of course, we want to leave that wonderful melody, played in the movies. Producer, unfortunately, did not specify whether it’ll be a remake of the classic understanding of the meaning or a new story with new characters.

For those who have forgotten what is the "Police Academy" - trailer of the first part.

Jul 5, 2007

My ex-girlfriend

On this photo you can see my ex-girlfriend

Here is a song about her

My ex-girlfriend was a slut
She couldn't keep her fuckin legs shut
She would always give the eye
To every single guy that walked by

So i got sick of her shit
And I could see she was playin me
So I said, "Go the fuck away!"
What am I supposed to say?

She was a slut!
What a fuckin slut
A slut...
What a fucking slut

My ex-girlfriend was a ho
She cheated on me but I let it go
But after three or four times
I decided it was time to draw the line

So i got sick of her shit
And I could see she was playin me
So I said, "Go the fuck away!"
What am I supposed to say?

She was a slut!
What a fuckin slut
A slut...
What a fucking slut

Jun 30, 2007

Cylinder Commodore

Mother's Hot Rod

My mother always told me “You have something, trust me!” I had no reason to believe her, but somehow I always did.
This is ma favorite ode from all of those she told me about her hot rod.
You are so special, so true, so bold,
another, I could not bare to hold.
You're always there, waiting for me,
if only they, could but see.
They think they know me, better than you,
the things they say, could they be true?
It's such a shame, they hate you so,
you know this means, you gave to go.
This will hurt me, far mowe than you,
sometimes it's hard, what a man must do.
As I write, my face grows pale,
four cylinder Commodore, for sale.
AHAHAHAH...AHAHAHA..UHUHU!=)))) It's pretty damn funny!

Jun 28, 2007

I won this nice granny in 2002

What is more exciting than entering sweepstakes to win a brand new car? The opportunity to win the car of your dreams to impress your girl or to make your neighbors jealous is merely a registration form away. In early 1950 this car was in perfect condition. In 2002 i won this car on internet. As you can see it still has some magic. If you wont to win a car like this i can give you some advices. There are sweepstakes for those as well. As a matter of fact, there are sweepstakes for just about any vehicle you can think of. You can also win great vehicle accessories to make your baby more efficient and customized. All this for free, when you enter a sweepstakes contest.
There are many sponsors who offer car sweepstakes with an automobile as a prize. Dodge is one of the latest offering four ways to enter a contest to win one of three, new Dodge models.
Also, under the rules of car sweepstakes, it is not necessary to purchase any of the sponsor's products. This means you have the opportunity to win the vehicle of your dreams without spending a single, hard earned penny. The only catch is the registration forms. The process might take you awhile, and you may be put on a whole set of opt-in emailing lists for advertisers. Not a bad price to pay, however, for the chance to win a free automobile.

Jun 27, 2007

Bulletproof Hot Rod

I made my little Ford with my own hands. This car was in very bad conditions. Ex-owner Mr. James very old person betrayed me saying that this one is bulletproof. I understood that it’s untruth when cops were shooting in me.
It was early on the morning of April 20, 1995. I was drawing my hot rod when Police Chief Nelson dashed to the top of the street, grabbed his AK-47 assault rifle, and opened fire. I was hit in the hand and arm and twice in the chest. I didn't know why they were shooting." Psychologists and psychiatrists would later say that Nelson was out of his mind when he started shooting, that he feared it was a gangsta hot rod. This is why he started shooting, he simply had no other options.)))

Red Killer

This car killed 9 persons in 1967!

Jun 23, 2007

Car sweepstakes in my opinion

Car sweepstakes are among the most popular giveaways to enter. After all, who wouldn't love to win a car and enjoy that new vehicle scent without paying a cent?
The very first time I used the Web I happened across a site connected with car sweepstakes . I was amazed that I could register for a contest to win a car on the Internet. The wheels of my mind started turning. I considered how new the Web was and how few people would be registering for this in proportion to most traditional sweepstakes. At this point I really got excited and I even remember thinking about how I would get to the West Coast to pick up my free car!

If at first you don't succeed ...
Unfortunately, I didn't win that one, but I still find sweepstakes to win cars, vans, trucks, motorcycles or any other vehicles to be my favorite. It's not that I have a desperate need for a new car. I think it is more the memory of how exciting it was to find my first Internet contest to win a car.
Of course, there is no guarantee that will win a car in these sweepstakes, but I can guarantee that you won't win if you don't enter!