Jun 30, 2007

Cylinder Commodore

Mother's Hot Rod

My mother always told me “You have something, trust me!” I had no reason to believe her, but somehow I always did.
This is ma favorite ode from all of those she told me about her hot rod.
You are so special, so true, so bold,
another, I could not bare to hold.
You're always there, waiting for me,
if only they, could but see.
They think they know me, better than you,
the things they say, could they be true?
It's such a shame, they hate you so,
you know this means, you gave to go.
This will hurt me, far mowe than you,
sometimes it's hard, what a man must do.
As I write, my face grows pale,
four cylinder Commodore, for sale.
AHAHAHAH...AHAHAHA..UHUHU!=)))) It's pretty damn funny!

1 comment:

MaxiX said...

Well, you crazy ... funny ... to cheer me up!